Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life As A Family Of Four

If you've talked to us lately, you know that Kyleigh's arrival hasn't slowed us down a bit. In some ways, it seems like we're doing more...maybe it's just the season.

We regularly try to do activities that Mackenzie enjoys or make sure that she gets some one-on-one time (i.e. park, movie, Target, grocery).

We've also done a whole mess of other stuff that isn't on our regular activities list: blueberry picking, swimming out @ a pool in the 'burbs, hiking @ Indiana Dunes...

So, if you're one of my faithful followers/friends/readers that has an infant who isn't as flexible as Kyleigh...don't worry. I've discovered that Brian and I, and our children, are not the typical standard of normal that most people envision when they think of life adjustments with a newborn child. We are what most people consider "ideal" or "weird" or "atypical"....or some people have even called us "crazy".

Let me take a moment to knock on wood, or pray that when and if we have another child that they are similar to my first two, because I'm not sure I could handle having a "high maintenance" child. I would deal, but I'd probably go crazy.

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