Friday, February 26, 2010

Domestic Days

Have you ever had one of those days where all you want to do is find some good recipes and cook...and cook...and cook?

That's been me for the past couple of days...weeks really.

Usually I get into the "domestic mode" when we are expecting company for the weekend or just friends over for dinner. Well, we've had company every weekend for the past 3 weeks and I'm working on a "gift" for a friend (pre-made frozen meals that are in gladware containers).

In the past 24 hours I have made homemade mac'n'cheese, chicken taco filling, cooked carrots, cooked apples, a chocolate cream pie, an apple pie, and I'm not done yet. (I'll admit that I took a short cut and bought pre-made pie crust.)

I'm still planning on making chili, sloppy joe filling, beef stew, possibly some cookies...and that's on top of regular meals this weekend which are as follows: sausage gravy, monkey bread, steaks on the grill, tacos, plus sides.

I really have to share that I enjoy making the pies the best. There's just something about the time challenging, and multitasking skills needed when making a real chocolate cream pie with a meringue top. I took pictures. I'll post one later, if I can remember. I love my standing makes a near-perfect meringue with little to no effort on my end (other than watching it and making sure it doesn't get over beat.)

Sometimes I feel inspired by my friends. I have several good friends who share my love for cooking and I stalk their blogs looking for new ideas or quick, easy recipes.

I'm planning on challenging my dessert making skills in a week or two. I have a Donald Duck shaped cake pan and I'm going to attempt to make a chocolate mold out of it and fill it with cheesecake (honestly, it probably won't be a homemade cheesecake just with the chocolate mold factor). If anyone has any tips or ideas on this one, PLEASE let me know. Otherwise google will be my friend in researching this endeavor.


  1. Between you, me and Leigh, my idea of opening a bakery is getting better by the moment!

  2. umm...i only got past the first line and i was already saying "yes! yes! yes!"

    and you should definitely post your picture of your cream pie

  3. Yes Erin. I want to stay home from work and cook all the time. And lately I'm obsessed with having a well-stocked freezer of meals. I think since we aren't doing a baby room my way of "nesting" is organizing the closets and keeping cinnamon rolls and casseroles in the freezer. Only, now my freezer is full so I'm not quite sure what to do anymore!

    The funny thing is we are living on some pretty bad meals as of late because we are out every night, rushing and commuting from here to there. But somehow I can't take those freezer meals out b/c in my mind they are post-baby and must not be used until then!
